HomeCaffè VergnanoCaffe Vergnano Espresso Extra DOLCE 1000 MILLE Coffee Beans (1 Kg)
Caffe Vergnano Espresso Extra DOLCE 1000 MILLE Coffee Beans (1 Kg)
Mille is an aromatic blend of 100% Arabica coffee with a very delicate flavor, pleasant acidity, and complex fragrances. This is a blend is of gourmet coffee beans with a delicate and round aroma, for the most demanding connoisseurs.
The roast profile exalts its floral and fruity character, showcasing the sweetness of Arabica beans harvested and washed in the highlands of Central and South America.
Fine grind for espresso, Medium grind for all filter preparations, drip coffee, Italian Moka pot, French press.
100% Arabica Beans
Sensory Profile: Aroma: floral and spices, Body: Medium and smooth finish, Sweetness: cane sugar like Intensity: balanced, Roundness: sweet finish.
Whole Beans in 1kg Aluminum Foil Bag, GMO-free, Gluten-free.